Douglas Glen
Serial Entrepreneur & Fortune 500 Executive
Doug has a distinguished career in the high-tech and entertainment industries. He is currently an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at M-LAB, a digital media incubator under the auspices of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He also is Chairman of Arkologic Limited, which develops and offers data storage products based on multi-level cell flash chips (MLC Flash), and Chairman of Aidyia Limited, which is developing advanced artificial intelligence technology to model and predict financial markets.
Previously, Doug was CEO of Imagi Studios in Hong Kong and oversaw the release of feature film TMNT, the first Asian animation movie to open #1 in the U.S. market. Prior to Imagi, he was Chief Marketing Officer of Zetera Corporation, a network storage technology company.
As founding board member of Harmonix Music Systems, Doug was part of the team that created video game franchises Guitar Hero and Rock Band. As Executive Director and CEO of, Doug helped launch one of the first end-to-end on-line streaming media systems.
As President of Mattel Media, and Chief Strategy Officer of Mattel Corporation, Doug help create a girl’s entertainment software market with titles like Barbie Fashion Designer, one of the top-selling games in history. As Group Vice President of Sega of America, Doug was responsible for The Sega Channel, the first on-line subscription video game service over TV cable. At LucasArts Entertainment, Doug was responsible for the game versions of LucasFilm movies such as Star Wars and Indiana Jones, and he succeeded in building a $100 million global business in less than five years.