Jan 14, 2015
SparkLabs Korea
Stayes' presentation
Jan 14, 2015
SparkLabs Korea
SparkLabs 4th class Demo Day, panel discussion with Sparklabs' 1st class alumni Chester Roh(CSO of 5Rocks), Dino Ha(CEO of MemeBox), and Yong Jae Kim(CEO of Knowre) about their experience with going into global market. Moderated by Sang Rae Jo of Platum.
Nov 3, 2014
SparkLabs Korea
Demo Day showcasing companies in the Winter 2014 class. Sparklabs companies present their company in front of investors, media, Sparklabs mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs. Winter 2014 Class members are Flow State Media, Peopleware, PentaPress, Domobio, Freenters, FeelU, and 1day1song.
May 13, 2014
SparkLabs Korea
Flow State Media's presentation.
May 13, 2014
SparkLabs Korea
PentaPress' presentation.
May 13, 2014
SparkLabs Korea
Freeenters' presentation.
May 13, 2014
SparkLabs Korea
DomoBio's presentation
May 13, 2014
SparkLabs Korea
People Ware's presentation.